Hi ,
I write an ocassional summary on ideas that resonated with me on topics ranging from product ideas, product management, data, learning, interesting startups, productivity and life on all things that make me curious.
Come join me in my journey through work, life and curious pursuits.
Why subscribe?
This is your chance to consume content that is not keeping with the trends. My learning backlog is long, I am slow in my learning and and my motivations are to stay away from current affair as much as possible
At least 1 email every week with
Outputs : What I did this week - Articles, tweets, curations for the week
Ideas that I am debating , exploring and struggling with
Inputs: Articles, links, videos and anything in the interweb that had me curious
About Me
I am Ram Mohandas Rao ( Ram to be short )
Product guy shipping, learning and scaling a team in a startup ( ex Big Tech )
Over 17 years in Technology : Sales, Marketing, Analytics and Software Development
Obsessed with all things data, visualisations
Book hoarder, reader and lifelong learner
Proud family man
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